According to official data, 86.2 million tons of oil have been produced in Kazakhstan in more than 25 years. This trend continues to be our reality even 30 years after Kazakhstan gained its independence.

Such a significant role of the extractive industry in the development of Kazakhstan’s economy requires appropriate oversight and transparency in this area.

It is for this purpose that the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) was launched in the country.

It is difficult to argue with the necessity and relevance of such a tool as the EITI in the Republic of Kazakhstan, but some questions arise in the expert community regarding the quality of implementation of this initiative by the Government of Kazakhstan. Before looking into how effective and high quality EITI implementation has been in Kazakhstan in recent years, it is worth to understand why exactly the initiative to develop transparency is so necessary in the extractive industry.

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The publication was prepared by the Legal Policy Research Center (LPRC) within the framework of the project “Joint space of democratic practices for public initiatives”.

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