Implementation period: 1 September 2021 – 31 March 2022. (7 months)
Donor: UK The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
The Government of Kazakhstan has developed a new Legal Policy Concept for the period to 2030. However, in the new environment in which Kazakhstan faces global challenges in various economic spheres and threats to human rights and freedoms, the non-governmental sector has not been invited to develop and discuss the new Legal Policy Concept.
In this regard, the main objectives of the project are:
- bring together non-governmental organisations, lawyers, defense lawyers and activists, and various civic initiatives to publicly discuss the Concept of Legal Policy and make their recommendations on the implementation of the Concept;
- call on the state to engage in an open and wide-ranging dialogue with civil society on legislation relating to the NGO sector and the lawmaking process;
- promote the development of effective democratic institutions and processes that operate in accordance with democratic values of transparency, representative democracy, pluralism and accountability, based on the rule of law and human rights.
In the context of this project, the following tasks are being implemented:
- Generating a package of cumulative proposals from civil society.
- To stimulate broad discussion and engage the public sector in a dialogue with civil society on the recommendations.
- Broad public awareness of new draft laws to stimulate public debate and shape opinion on key proposals for legal policy reforms, with respect for human rights and the rule of law.
Specific activities of the project include:
Activity 1: Preparation of proposals and recommendations to the Kazakhstan Legal Policy Concept to 2030, taking into account key challenges on human rights and the rule of law.
Activity 2: 6 discussion and dialogue events to generate and promote recommendations from civil society.
Activity 3: A media and social media campaign to raise public awareness of civil society’s proposals for a new Legal Policy Concept.